Everytime you make a post to your blog or update it you have to ping the search engines
to notify them of the changes you have made. I have dealt with this in an earlier post : Pinging Simplified. There are some sites which can ping multiple engines for you in one click. Here I have compared several such tools......
There are several sites where you can submit your blog url and click the Ping button to notify the search engines and directories of new content. These are :
1. Autopinger.com
2. Pingoat.com
3. Pingomatic.com
4. Blogflux Pinger.
5. Feedburner Pingshot.
6. Feedping.com
Except for Feedburner just go to the respective site and paste your blog url and click on the Ping button after publishing a new post. For feedburner login to your account click on your blogname (You should have claimed your blog first as shown in Feedburner and Blog feeds.) and click on Publicize tab at top. Then click on Pingshot in the sidebar. Choose the services you wish to ping and click Save. Now these services are automatically pinged on publishing a new post.
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